Monday, October 15, 2007

Today is Blog Action Day

That's right. Today's the day to do something that benfits the enviroment and show you care.

I try to protect the inviroment as much as I can. I conserve energy by turning off my lights and useing flourescent bulbs when possible. I also only use my heat and AC when truely needed. If I had the money, I'd have sloar pannels all over my roof. If I ahd the money, I get the cleanest car on the market. In addition, my boy scout troop has adopted a road, which we clean up from time to time. Also, this saturday I believe there is a massive "clean up the earth day" event sorta thing. I read something some where... If you aren't doing anything, fine one near you and get involved. Also recycle paper and bottles, anything possible. I hate paper towells in bathrooms. Driers for the win.

So do something. Even if it is just for today.

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