Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So I haven't posted in a while...

I've had nothing to really say for a while but now I do.

Yesterday my order from Amazon came. I ordered OS X Tiger and a headset (I think I've mentioned this before...)

So naturally, I've been playing around with all the new stuff and have been making VoIP calls to my friend over Skype. I'm also writing this post in a gadget for the Mac Dashboard and IMing my friend and playing with the virtual Rubik's cube (wow triple tasking. awsome).

That's basically it.

A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
--- Milton Berle

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday at last

When I woke up this morning I actually though it was the weekend already XD

Anyway, today was awesome, minus once unfortunate event. I belong to the ZREO as you might know. Normally on Friday there is a weekly new song posted, however this week there wasn't because of a computer failure and loss of the file (which sounded like it would've been a nice one). It was two weeks of work down the drain. Again, this goes out to you FireGS, on behalf of all of us really sorry to hear the bad news.

Ok I sad my day was awesome so on to the awesome part.

I was called down to the general office durring my History class today. Normally it's a bad thing if you get called down to it so, of course, I was like "Oh shit. What did they find out. Hell what'd I do wrong?" So I walked in and said who I was and was then told to go to the principals office so then I really got worried. When I walked in I saw too teachers I knew so I then realized "Ok maybe this is a good thing." Turns out I was named student of the month for September in honor of some volunteer work I do for the school. For it I got a pin for my ID tag's lanyard, a school shirt, copy of a certificate that I'll receive at a Board of ED meeting, free desert card for Applebee's and a $25 gift card to wherever.
In addition, I also ordered OS X Tiger and a headset for my Mac today. The total was $149 with free shipping from God I love that place.
So all in all, today was a really nice day in my life :D

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
(Believe me, I'm trying.)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PSATs and more...

Today I took the PSAT in school. OMG. It was really hard. I don't think I did so hot.

So off that topic *shudders...

Apple now has a countdown to the launch of Leopard on their site. I also found out I won't be able to run it :( So now I'm waiting to see if the price will drop any on Tiger before I go ahead and upgrade to it. Most likely it won't...


Today was pretty good for the most part except it took me forever to finish my homework but I'm done now. Now I'm IMing with my friend waiting to get a last part of a file.

That's really all. I got a funny thing from Drivers Ed today. I gotta scan it tomorrow and post it 'cause it has gotta be the funniest thing.

Also if you haven't, you really should see the Fake Steve Blog and/or get it on RSS.

"If you ask that question again, I am going to lock this thread and smack you. Multiple people have answered your question multiple ways - a 74 year old grandma with Alzheimer's can understand what Battlescapes is by now..."
- Master of Zelda on the ZREO forums (

Monday, October 15, 2007

Today is Blog Action Day

That's right. Today's the day to do something that benfits the enviroment and show you care.

I try to protect the inviroment as much as I can. I conserve energy by turning off my lights and useing flourescent bulbs when possible. I also only use my heat and AC when truely needed. If I had the money, I'd have sloar pannels all over my roof. If I ahd the money, I get the cleanest car on the market. In addition, my boy scout troop has adopted a road, which we clean up from time to time. Also, this saturday I believe there is a massive "clean up the earth day" event sorta thing. I read something some where... If you aren't doing anything, fine one near you and get involved. Also recycle paper and bottles, anything possible. I hate paper towells in bathrooms. Driers for the win.

So do something. Even if it is just for today.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Friday... at last. So as you might know, I started a secondary blog today and had shorten perriods and a party the second half of my last perriod. I finally have the freaking internet on my Mac and all aroound the house and I didn't even need to use the hammer lol. So how'd I celebrate? I did completely pointless stuff :)

So as sad as it is, that was bassically my day and all that's worth noting.

A halo has to fall only a few inches to become a noose.
--- Farmers Almanac

I have other blogs as well...

Yes I run multiple blogs. They are:

1) WiiOS
2) TechSpot with Stephen W.
3) Secondary blog powered by WordPress

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yay! Nothing to say!

This is going to be my shortest post ever. Or not depending on how fast stuff comes to me...

So... Apparently there was a power outtage at school today so power didn't go on until us students arrive (damn). Tomorrow we have shortened perriods (half my teachers didn't remember. Lucky I read the announcements lol). The second half of last perriod my school newspaper is haveing a publishing party and my teacher said I could go so yay!

I got really pissed at my dad this morning. He put some of my b-day money in the bank 'cause they were checks and he won't give the cash back. Who the fuck gave him the right to make desitions for me regarding my money ?!?!

And... So asshole gave my mom a fenderbender at my school today. I'm gonna try to get his parking permit revoked (*evil laugh).

That's all for today...

If everything seems to be coming your way, you're probably in the wrong lane.
- Author unknown at this time

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

OMG! Two awsome things


The Wii update 3.1 now let's you use a usb keyboard to type messages. ABOUT DARN TIME!

OS X Leopard is rumored to be launching next Weds!

Record of the day)

Nothing really interesting. Found out Sonic will be in Super Smach brawl and the two thngs above. That's all worth saying. My Google account stuff was seriously screwed up becuase Google was moving servers (a warning would've been nice!) so I'm still wating for my life to un-explode. My friend has hit 1k hours of music on his iTunes library. Lost might return to ABC in Feburary...
So also this week has been going pretty fast. Wednesday all ready?!?

Umm... yeah that's all that's worth recording should I ever care about lokking back this far...

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
--- Will Rogers

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I support

Listed in no particular order:
  1. Wii
  2. Nintendo
  3. Code: Lyoko
  4. NeoTech Gaming
  5. ZREO
  6. Google
  7. Apple
  8. Macs
  9. OS X Leopard
  10. DeviantART
  11. Blogging
  12. YouTube
  13. Blog Action Day
  14. Innovative Thinking
  15. Science and Technology
  16. Open-Source
  17. Planning for the future
  18. Safe driving
  19. Solar Power
  20. Cubs
  21. iPod Touch
  22. Safari
  23. FireFox
  24. iTunes
  25. Open DNS
  26. Network Magic
  27. Fairness
  28. Protecting the environment
  29. Exploring
  30. Writing
  31. Google Desktop
  32. Gmail

Just to name a few... Others will most likely come at some point so this list might grow some day... or shrink

Legend --- a lie that has attained the dignity of age.

--- H. L. Mencken

Monday, October 8, 2007

On October 15th, make a difference and my weekend.

Part 1)

October 15th is Blog Action Day. Show your support by visiting the site,
Make a post concerning the environment. Show you care. I'll be participating.

Part 2)

So I had a three day weekend as I have off from school today (Monday) for Columbus day.

Here's what I did in a nutshell:
Friday-Sunday: 2nd State-wide Boy Scout Camporee and the Sea Girt State Police Academy.
Monday: Homework and hug out with my friend.


So I went camping this weekend at a Boy Scout Camporee. It was rather warm out and a lot of people were getting dehydrated. I didn't 'cause I know what it's like. It sucks. So yeah it was a lot of fun. I went to the one that was held back in '04 too. This year was a lot better though because there was more to see and 10,000+ attendees. I got a few frebiees including a cool VIP collector patch. There was also a SWAT demo that generated a huge crowd.
That's really it for that. In one word: awesome.

Today I did my homework, which was math and English and then hung out with my friend for the rest of the day. Now I'm going to go eat.

"The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work"
- Mark Twain

Remember, make a difference the 15th...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A few jokes...

They're Made Out of Meat

by Terry Bisson

"They're made out of meat."
"Meat. They're made out of meat."
"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat." "That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"
"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."
"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."
"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."
"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in that sector and they're made out of meat."
"Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."
"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat?"
"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma brain inside."
"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads, like the weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."
"No brain?"
"Oh, there's a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat! That's what I've been trying to tell you."
"So ... what does the thinking?"
"You're not understanding, are you? You're refusing to deal with what I'm telling you. The brain does the thinking. The meat."
"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"
"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?"
"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."
"Thank you. Finally. Yes. They are indeed made out of meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."
"Omigod. So what does this meat have in mind?"
"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the Universe, contact other sentiences, swap ideas and information. The usual."
"We're supposed to talk to meat."
"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there. Anybody home.' That sort of thing."
"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"
"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."
"I thought you just told me they used radio."
"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."
"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"
"Officially or unofficially?"
"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in this quadrant of the Universe, without prejudice, fear or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing."
"I was hoping you would say that."
"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?"
"I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say? 'Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"
"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they can only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact.""So we just pretend there's no one home in the Universe."
"That's it."
"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you probed? You're sure they won't remember?"
"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."
"A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream."
"And we marked the entire sector unoccupied."
"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"
"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."
"They always come around."
"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the Universe would be if one were all alone ..."

the end

- From

"I ask students 'Do I go walking arround with a red suit a white beard?' No? Good. So don't expect any gifts when it comes time to doing grades."

"Singer huh? Do you take requests?"
" Can you sing 'Far Away and Alone'?"
*Starts making up words*
"I don't know the words."
"So you can't sing 'Far Away and Alone'?"
*Class bursts into laughter*

- From my history class

If you don't get either, you fail.

That's all for today.

A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the pants.
--- Wilcox's Law

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Review of mine for my school's paper.

For the Falconaire. © 2007 Me (Stephen Weber). The thoughts expressed here are mine and only mine and if you don't agree well hoo ray.

At last: Free music, legally

As hard as it might be to believe, it's true. allows members to download unlimited music for free. What's the catch? Just renew your membership every 30 days to keep your music working.

So how does it work?

Spiral frog is an ad supported site in which most of the revenue form the ads goes to the participating record companies. In addition, the music is supported by DRM, technology used for copyright protection.This means that in order for your music to keep playing, you have to renew your subscription every 30 days. Don't worry, that is free too and your music will not stop playing until day 31. On mp3 players, such as iPods, the limit is 60 days. Once you renew your subscription, be sure to sync up you iPod so your music keeps going. While that part might be a pain, I have no objections since the service is free.
The site launched September 17, 2007 and boasts a nice collection of music with new songs launching every week or so. In addition, it even has music videos too! One last thing of note, you'll need to install some software off the site first before you can download music.
All in all, who can object to free music legally, even if it has a catch? I sure don't. I easily give Spiral Frog five stars.

© 2007 Me. Details /\

Well today could've been better...

So yeah I didn't have so hot of a day today... I failed a stupid math quiz and dad was all over my back about it. On a happier note, I got to got see a guest speaker for the school newspaper durring my 11th perriod class. On a crapier note, I also had a lot of homework, which is one of the reasons I'm just blogging this now so late vs. other posts. So you'd think that'd make me have more to say but unfortuantlly I don't really.

I'm camping Friday to Sunday. Have I said that yet?

So yeah that's really all for today. I gotta quiz in English and test in Bio tomorrow. Umm... yay?

"You confused me more then a kitten could purr."
- Post, NeoTech Gaming
"Yeah well that doesn't make too much sence to me either. But it made me laugh :)"
- In my mind

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Leopard comes out this month!

So if you have a Mac, you might know then next version of OS X, Leopard, is schedualed to come out this month. I hope I can run it as I've got the bucks.

So other stuff...

School was pretty good today; 1 thing of homework. In intro to networking we walking arround the school to look at where wires go and look and some patch boxes and stuff. It was actually pretty interesting. Hopefully, we'll get to see what's inside the IT office. And then since there was time to kill, we attempted to figure out which one of my teacher's key went to the elevator. One fit, but wouldn't turn so that was a bust. Tomorrow durring my spanish perriod I get to go listen to a guest speaker from my local paper becuase I write for my school's newpaper, the Falconaire. I even should have my own column this year :) To end the school day, I staied sfter school a bit to help the English deparment supervisor set up a department web page on Google Page Creator ( So now I'm here, blogging this while listening to the radio. Hoo ray!
Yeah, I had a good day for once :D

- Google Talk

PS- sorry for the really lame sign off quote. Gotta head to UPS to ship a package.