Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I support

Listed in no particular order:
  1. Wii
  2. Nintendo
  3. Code: Lyoko
  4. NeoTech Gaming
  5. ZREO
  6. Google
  7. Apple
  8. Macs
  9. OS X Leopard
  10. DeviantART
  11. Blogging
  12. YouTube
  13. Blog Action Day
  14. Innovative Thinking
  15. Science and Technology
  16. Open-Source
  17. Planning for the future
  18. Safe driving
  19. Solar Power
  20. Cubs
  21. iPod Touch
  22. Safari
  23. FireFox
  24. iTunes
  25. Open DNS
  26. Network Magic
  27. Fairness
  28. Protecting the environment
  29. Exploring
  30. Writing
  31. Google Desktop
  32. Gmail

Just to name a few... Others will most likely come at some point so this list might grow some day... or shrink

Legend --- a lie that has attained the dignity of age.

--- H. L. Mencken

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